Monday, February 27, 2012

Trouble In A Nut Shell

Author’s Notes: During class we talk a lot about the duality in men. How can one person go from being just that single person to having multiple personalities? The thought of if wholly good can ever fully be achieved or is evil always within us. In this poem I attempted the technique of allegory, which is having two meanings a literal meaning and a symbolic meaning.

Humans live every color of the rainbow

Angel’s halos are white and round
Devil’s horns are red and pointy

Blood and reproduction construct the basis of all human life

Egg and sperm stream white creating wondrous little creatures
Veins flow with red steamy blood keeping the body alive

Every person is dealt a hand of diverse paths and options

Good deeds are set in place due to decisions and choices
Bad deeds lash out through the subconscious and pressure

Sometimes the weight on the shoulders decide

The right side leaning towards the right decisions and the light
The left side weighing spontaneous decisions having blood pressure sky rocket

The battle of the subconscious makes a head spin round

Brick House

Author’s Notes: This response was an idea from Amanda Dabney because it seemed very creative and different. This writing is a unique form of poetry called acrostic poetry, which is where the first letter of each line combine to spell out a phrase. During the reading of the chapter The Last Night the idea of each human is in theoretical terms a house. The house consists of hallways, doors, and windows all leading to different meanings.

Every person has dual personalities
Vanquishing a personality is impossible
Exposed to the eye are the brick walls of flesh
Revealing the windows of our thoughts
Years are necessary to keep the house functional

Hidden in the house are the hallways and numerous doors
United together by the structure of the walls
Most of the hallways lead to untold stories and secrets
A key is often necessary to unlock the doors
No other house or person has the same features

Inside the house the door is the entrance to the brain
Soul is also found behind the door leaking into the creaks in the floor boards

A crack in the window helps different perceptions be made

Hidden behind the doors lie the structure of what makes a person
Opening the doors may lead to unwanted natures
Utilizing these natures may lead to the true devil inside
Setting on fire a person’s wholly good and leaving them wanting more
Eventually the house burns down and all to be left is the devil snickering

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Double Meaning

Author's Notes: I wrote a poem about Jekyll and Hyde being the same person. Both resembling humans, that everyone has a good and bad side. No matter how much a person strives to be wholly good, it is impossible because the inner evil will come out sometime.

Hiding behind the masks
Everyone wonders but no one asks
The strange thoughts come and pass
Evil would bring out its own sass
Angels carry the shine to believe
What kind of man could achieve
The unthinkable act of two
Not knowing who is who
One side good and one side evil
Duality painting on a blank easel
Wholly good will never succeed
Due to the devil’s required need